
caterva.empty(shape, itemsize, **kwargs)

Create an empty array.

shape: tuple or list

The shape for the final array.

itemsize: int

The size, in bytes, of each element.

out: NDArray

A NDArray is returned.

Other Parameters
kwargs: dict, optional

Keyword arguments supported:

chunks: iterable object or None

The chunk shape. If None, the array is stored using a non-compressed buffer. (Default None)

blocks: iterable object or None

The block shape. If None, the array is stored using a non-compressed buffer. (Default None)

filename: str or None

The name of the file to store data. If None, data is stored in-memory. (Default None)

memframe: bool

If True, the array is backed by a frame in-memory. Else, by a super-chunk. (Default: False)

meta: dict or None

A dictionary with different metalayers. One entry per metalayer:

key: bytes or str

The name of the metalayer.

value: object

The metalayer object that will be (de-)serialized using msgpack.

codec: Codec

The name for the compressor codec. (Default: Codec.LZ4)

clevel: int (0 to 9)

The compression level. 0 means no compression, and 9 maximum compression. (Default: 5)

filters: list

The filter pipeline. (Default: [Filter.SHUFFLE])

filtersmeta: list

The meta info for each filter in pipeline. (Default: [0])

nthreads: int

The number of threads. (Default: 1)

usedict: bool

If a dictionary should be used during compression. (Default: False)